Is it possible to add html inside a title attribute?

Is there a way to put actual html code inside a title attribute on a table row element? My goal is to pop-up not only text but some info-graphics along with it, so a mouseover event thats not a modal would be great. Am I going in the wrong direction?

This table is already using jquery datatables but I don't believe it can do that sort of event.

<tr title='This activity will be open to registration on April 31st' >

Solution 1:

Nope. You'd need to create your own title substitute with JavaScript.

Solution 2:


HTML can't be placed in an attribute.

If the goal is to have a pop-up with rich content, then you need to handle this via javascript. In addition, from an accessibility standpoint, you likely don't want to put that amount of content into the title attribute anyways, so going the JS route is going to solve a few problems for you. Google 'JS Tooltip' for dozens of options.

Solution 3:

Native tooltips do not use HTML. jQuery UI tooltips would be very useful here.


EDIT: You would need to use the content option to use markup instead of the title attribute.

    .tooltip({ content: '<b style="color: red">Tooltip</b> <i>text</i>' });

Here's a Fiddle demonstrating this: