Using touch screens with FPS

Only games designed specifically for use with touchscreen have any chances to work with it.

I really don't see any way how you'd play FPS on touch screen, given that in FPS the crosshair is always in center of the screen, while mouse rotates the view. In case of games designed for touch screens, the view is fixed, while cross hair follows your finger.

Apart of that, in case of CoD:BO, for full control you need 23 different actions triggered by buttons (either mouse or keyboard). There is no way to do that on touch screen.

I've actually tried doing this. It just won't work. You must keep in mind that a touchscreen touch usually translates to you moving your mouse to that point (which translates to turning your head around in an FPS).

There is no way to calibrate your mouse moving distance on a touch to an accurate point and shoot mechanism.

When I tried to do this I ended up spinning like a ballerina and just looking plain silly :D