Word 2007-10 Table of figures missing figures if they are on the same page

I am creating a table of Figures based on image captions I have created.

However every time I create the captions some of them are missing in the table even after updating the table.

The specific version of Word I was using was 2007 (12.0.6545.5000) SP2 MSO (12.0.6535.5002) However I have upgraded to 2010, 14.0.4760.1000, only to suffer the same problems. I have tried making sure that the images were inserted into blocks of "Normal" format text and re-inserted and update the tables, but nothing seems to change the fact that some of the captions will remain missing.

Note that if I add two captions for a picture, the second will usually display, but not the first.

After a bit of research in finding this problem myself, I believe it is caused by having tracked changes on when trying to update the table of figures. Word gets confused with the various review copies around, and simply misses some entries. This can easily be fixed by accepting all changes (Review-> Accept -> Accept all changes in the document), and then updating again.