Is it possible to get permanently locked in a room?

I ran into a room to escape a monster. The room has no other exits and the monster is pounding on the only door and doesn't seem to be able to get in but isn't giving up. I even lost patience and tried to escape through the monster but he is blocking the door from opening. Am I permanently locked in here?

Solution 1:

To piggy back on what @GGMG said in the comments above. In order for that Monster to go away you have to hide from it in a dark area. Meaning, turn out all of the lights in the room you are trapped in and do one of the following (depending on what is available):

  • Crouch in a dark corner
  • Hide in a Cupboard/Wardrobe
  • Hide behind boxes/crouching

And if all else fails you may need to reload last save or try and fight your way out, maybe you can blind the monster [Nope...]. I hope this info helps! I love Frictional Games and the sheer terror.

Resource: Amnesia Wikia