Which browsers support Object.observe?

Solution 1:

You can use kangax's Browser Compatibility Table for Object.observe

It is part of ECMA Script 7 Specifications, it seems. Luckily, at the time of this writing, my current browser, Chrome 33, is the only one which supports it :)

If you like to enable it in Chrome 33,

  1. Visit chrome://flags/

  2. And enable Enable Experimental JavaScript

Solution 2:

Polymer is a new and promising framework that intends to implement Web Components, for which Object.observe() is an integral part.

It provides polyfill implementation for "evergreen" browsers; the latest ones available. Moreover, they track what browser have native support for this feature, so it speeds up their implementation.

This polyfill is available as a separate library on GitHub.

Solution 3:

No browsers. If its not true today, it will be true someday, and then this can be the accepted answer.

Solution 4:

Chrome 35+ supports Object.observe() Method.

More details here: html5rocks

Update: It's moved to chrome 36 beta.