I recently installed OS X 10.11 on my Mac.

I tried to read a SD card with an Ext4 partition which wasn't even shown in Disk Utility, although diskutil did show it as a Linux partition.

I can't seem to mount the partition (the mount command seems to have changed, but I haven't explored this fully).

I had FUSE for OS X installed and updated to 2.8.1. I also had fuse-ext2, but even though this was shown in Preferences, it shows "Not Installed". I tried to re-install from the sourceforge site, but got the following error:-

This package is incompatible with this version of OS X and may fail to install.

Has anyone any solution to allow Ext4 partitions to be mounted.

Try using ext4fuse.

ext4fuse This is a read-only implementation of ext4 for FUSE. The main reason this exists is to be able to read linux partitions from OSX. However, it should work on top of any FUSE implementation.

Basic usage, where N and M in /dev/diskNsM are the disk and partition numbers (such as 7 and 1) of your Ext4 ("Linux") data. You can find these appropriate numbers for your machine in OS X' Disk Utility or by running diskutil list on the command line.

mkdir -p "$HOME/tmp/my-linux-mount"
ext4fuse "/dev/diskNsM" "$HOME/tmp/my-linux-mount"

On macOS Sierra the option -o allow_other is needed, as in:

ext4fuse /dev/diskNsM $HOME/tmp/my-linux-mount -o allow_other

Install both ext4fuse and osxfuse using Homebrew.

brew cask install osxfuse
brew install ext4fuse

According to the docs, you might also have to add <your user> to the operator group. Here using whoami to find your current username.

sudo dscl . append /Groups/operator GroupMembership "$(whoami)"

See also the fix for problems clicking "allow" for the "System Extension Blocked" message for osxfuse, and the osxfuse docs for mount options, such as allow_other and defer_permissions.

Don't use Paragon ExtFS for OSX with El Capitan.The port is very experimental despite the fact that Paragon claims support for El Capitan.

I've damaged two times a 1.5TB ext4 filesystem beyond irreparable limits, using two independent installations of EL Capitan (10.11.3) on a MacBook Pro and MacBook Air. fsck -y /dev/sda(x) on an linux box after file transfer completed is claiming hundreds of thousands multiply-claimed blocks with several files and directories - filesytem gone!

ExtFs is also not implemented in DiskUtilty in Ela Capitan so you can't check the integrity of your filesystem nor format in ext2/3/4...

Paragon Guys please fix your software urgently! Your claim supporting El Capitan is very much misleading!

In Summary dump Paragon ExtFS with OSX 10.11.x and not waste your $20 or wind back to Yosemite or earlier OSX's. Alternatively put a Linux Box on your GB network and copy through SMB. It's safer....