How can I remove the window shadow in El Capitan?

  1. I tried ShadowKiller and ShadowSweeper, they do not work anymore on El Capitan.
  2. I tried to disable System Integrity Protection, but it does not work.
  3. toggle-osx-shadows also does not work:

Does anyone have other way? Thank you!

copied from my question about the same issue:

edit 01-11-2019: Works on Mojave.

There is a solution - plugin called winBuddy which is available through MacForge (previously known as mySIMBL).

It allows you to turn off window shadow and/or window borders for every app.

I've just tested it and it seems to work properly, there are some minor glitches here and there but nothing major.

Minor glitches include:

  • You can't change window options for apps which don't have menu - like Bartender for example
  • You can't change window options for some apps, as winBuddy does not show up under 'Window' in menu.