What is a term describing the destruction of crops by insects, bugs, or vermin?

Solution 1:

I think there isn't a single word that exactly covers this meaning but blight comes close.

It is actually a plant disease or the symptoms of that disease caused by pathogenic organisms (insects and fungus usually). But if you say blighted, you imply that crop is destroyed by blight.

Blighted crops are crops blighted by pests, that is, crops damaged by pests.


Though, in agriculture and pestology, pest damage is used for describing the destruction of crops by any kind of pest.

Solution 2:

Consider infestation. Oxford Online defines infest as

(Of insects or animals) be present (in a place or site) in large numbers, typically so as to cause damage or disease: the house is infested with cockroaches

Solution 3:

You could use plague in this instance.

Either way it may be most clear if you add of [bug type] to whichever word you choose.