App to display IP address in menu bar?

I deal with a lot of external servers where the firewall must be configured to allow SSH access. I frequently need to know my external IP address, and it changes often. Does anyone know of an application that will determine my external IP address and display it in the menu bar? preferably with a copy to clipboard option? I'd write one myself but Objective-C is not my thing.

This small application runs in the background and shows the current IP dddress of your Mac in the menu bar. There are options available to customize the appearance of the menu entry. The IP dddress is updated regulary. Switch on the Router option if you are behind a router or gateway. You can still see your local IP address in the menu.

Do you need your computers IP address often? If so, IPMenulet is likely the quickest way to have the number handy all the time, it’s a free and simple menu item that displays your current external IP address in the Mac OS X menu bar, there’s no other frills or features.

You can download IPMenulet now (direct .dmg download – link changed visit dev site instead) or visit the developers website here for more information and to view the simple tools source code.

And the associated Google Search :