Are there keyboard shortcuts to scroll to the top and bottom of a document?

Solution 1:

On a Macbook, try fn+ (function + left arrow) for Home and fn+ (function + right arrow) for End.

Solution 2:

Sure. Just use cmd-Down or cmd-Up. The cmd key is to either side of the spacebar.

Solution 3:

If you hold fn and cmd at the same time, then hit (left arrow) for scroll to top or (right arrow) for scroll to bottom, that should do it.

Solution 4:

For clarification, this question must be answered twice:

1. For internet browsers (FF, Safari, Chrome, ...), but also for Apple's Pages it's

cmd+ for jumping to bottom and cmd+ for jumping back to top.

2. For Finder, and also for Microsoft Word it's

fn+cmd+ for jumping to bottom and fn+cmd+ for jumping back to top.

Notice: The shorcuts from 1. will work in Finder, too. When you hit cmd+ in Finder you'll open the selected folder or document (same as cmd+O, O for Open). When you hit cmd+ in Finder you'll be navigated to the parent folder. With these two you are able to quiete easily navigate in Finder with just keyboard shortcuts.