Issue with recording from the Open ONVIF (Network Video Interface Forum ) device

Solution 1:

When you tried with the media source, you requested an unauthorized action apparently since the server returned Error code 405. Either the method is prohibited from use, or you need a credential to use the method.

As for Exception in thread "main" Method 'ns11:GetServiceCapabilities' not implemented: method name or namespace not recognized, @Sigismondo is right about the fact that most ip cameras don't support it. You will need an alternative recording method(literal and pun) to record from an ip camera.

Solution 2:

You are using http://" + deviceip + "/onvif/media_service to reach the Recording service, but this is a media.wsdl service. So when you try to call getRecordings on the media service it seems normal you receive an error.

The url for recording.wsdl service should be http://" + deviceip + "/onvif/recording_service.

In order to get the corect URL to reach the recording service you should request it from the GetCapabilities method of the devicemgmt.wsdl service.