A word meaning <a short article or essay> [closed]

Solution 1:

As discovered in comments, the OP was looking for the word vignette, and misremembered the first letter.

Merriam-Webster gives as definition 3a "a short descriptive literary sketch".

Solution 2:

The word Cameo is not English sounding - it comes from the Old French and Italian.

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a short descriptive literary sketch that neatly encapsulates someone or something.

Image and Definition -- Google Dictionary

Solution 3:

Let's try pandect; six letters (about middling), from a Romance language (Latin), and starts with a p (and bonus, contains a c):

A treatise or similar work that is comprehensive as to a particular topic.

In other words, just a more obscure way of spelling monograph.

Solution 4:

Could you be thinking of codicil? While that is primarily used in legal contexts and means an addendum, it did originally mean "small book". The following definition is from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition by way of wordnik:


n. Law A supplement or appendix to a will.

n. A supplement or appendix.

Etymonlne gives the origin of the word as

codicil (n.) early 15c., from Middle French codicille, from Latin codicillus "a short writing, a small writing tablet," diminutive of codex (genitive codicis), see code (n.).

I don't have access to an unabridged OED at the moment but I suspect that the word can/could also be used to mean short text in English at some point.

Solution 5:

You can consider these terms:

  • Prolusion — A literary essay or article intended as a precursor to a fuller treatment of a subject. [OED] - From Latin

  • Precede — Brief editorial preface (usually to an article or essay) [Wiktionary] - From Old French and Latin

  • Conte — A short story as a form of literary composition. [OD] - From French and Latin