PostgreSQL: improving pg_dump, pg_restore performance

First check that you are getting reasonable IO performance from your disk setup. Then check that you PostgreSQL installation is appropriately tuned. In particular shared_buffers should be set correctly, maintenance_work_mem should be increased during the restore, full_page_writes should be off during the restore, wal_buffers should be increased to 16MB during the restore, checkpoint_segments should be increased to something like 16 during the restore, you shouldn't have any unreasonable logging on (like logging every statement executed), auto_vacuum should be disabled during the restore.

If you are on 8.4 also experiment with parallel restore, the --jobs option for pg_restore.

Improve pg dump&restore

PG_DUMP | always use format-directory and -j options

time pg_dump -j 8 -Fd -f /tmp/newout.dir fsdcm_external

PG_RESTORE | always use tuning for postgres.conf and format-directory and -j options

work_mem = 32MB
shared_buffers = 4GB
maintenance_work_mem = 2GB
full_page_writes = off
autovacuum = off
wal_buffers = -1

time pg_restore -j 8 --format=d -C -d postgres /tmp/newout.dir/