How do you run a .exe with parameters using vba's shell()?

This works for me (Excel 2013):

Public Sub StartExeWithArgument()
    Dim strProgramName As String
    Dim strArgument As String

    strProgramName = "C:\Program Files\Test\foobar.exe"
    strArgument = "/G"

    Call Shell("""" & strProgramName & """ """ & strArgument & """", vbNormalFocus)
End Sub

With inspiration from here

Here are some examples of how to use Shell in VBA.
Open stackoverflow in Chrome.

Call Shell("C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" & _
 " -url" & " " & "",vbMaximizedFocus)

Open some text file.

Call Shell ("notepad C:\Users\user\Desktop\temp\TEST.txt")

Open some application.

Call Shell("C:\Temp\TestApplication.exe",vbNormalFocus)

Hope this helps!

The below code will help you to auto open the .exe file from excel...

Sub Auto_Open()

    Dim x As Variant
    Dim Path As String

    ' Set the Path variable equal to the path of your program's installation
    Path = "C:\Program Files\\Alien Shooter\game.exe"
    x = Shell(Path, vbNormalFocus)

End Sub