While learning Java I stumble upon this error quite often. It goes like this:

Unreported exception java.io.FileNotFound exception; must be caught or declared to be thrown.

java.io.FileNotFound is just an example, I've seen many different ones. In this particular case, code causing the error is:

OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File("myfile.pdf")));

Error always disappears and code compiles & runs successfully once I put the statement inside try/catch block. Sometimes it's good enough for me, but sometimes not.

First, examples I'm learning from do not always use try/catch and should work nevertheless, apparently.

Whats more important, sometimes when I put whole code inside try/catch it cannot work at all. E.g. in this particular case I need to out.close(); in finally{ } block; but if the statement above itself is inside the try{ }, finally{} doesnt "see" out and thus cannot close it.

My first idea was to import java.io.FileNotFound; or another relevant exception, but it didnt help.

Solution 1:

What you're referring to are checked exceptions, meaning they must be declared or handled. The standard construct for dealing with files in Java looks something like this:

InputStream in = null;
try {
  in = new InputStream(...);
  // do stuff
} catch (IOException e) {
  // do whatever
} finally {
  if (in != null) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {

Is it ugly? Sure. Is it verbose? Sure. Java 7 will make it a little better with ARM blocks but until then you're stuck with the above.

You can also let the caller handle exceptions:

public void doStuff() throws IOException {
  InputStream in = new InputStream(...);
  // do stuff

although even then the close() should probably be wrapped in a finally block.

But the above function declaration says that this method can throw an IOException. Since that's a checked exception the caller of this function will need to catch it (or declare it so its caller can deal with it and so on).

Solution 2:

Java's checked exceptions make programmers address issues like this. (That's a good thing in my opinion, even if sweeping bugs under the carpet is easier.)

You should take some appropriate action if a failure occurs. Typically the handling should be at a different layer from where the exception was thrown.

Resource should be handled correctly, which takes the form:

try {
} finally {

Never put the acquire() within the try block. Never put anything between the acquire() and try (other than a simple assign). Do not attempt to release multiple resources in a single finally block.

So, we have two different issues. Unfortunately the Java syntax mixes up the two. The correct way to write such code is:

try {
    final FileOutputStream rawOut = new FileOutputStream(file);
    try {
        OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(rawOut);
    } finally {
} catch (FileNotFoundException exc) {
    ...do something not being able to create file...
} catch (IOException exc) {
    ...handle create file but borked - oops...