Is it possible to run games over remote desktop?

I'm not expecting to run hardcore games, but maybe simpler games where low frame is OK. I have a 1gbit network between my computers. How can I set up my computers so I can remotely play games?

Technically OnLive does this, but they have custom silicon in ridiculous data centers that can encode HD video with 1ms latency. Any traditional VNC is going to incur enough latency in compression and transfer to make any real-time game unplayable. Solitaire will still work fine.

Some VNC clients for Windows are RealVNC, TightVNC, and TeamViewer.

It shouldn't matter all of the rendering will be done on the remote machine, it will just bring the output to your monitor. You should be fine playing any game the remote computer can handle. I play Civ 4/5 over team viewer all the time. Your only problem will be if you are accessing this PC over a WAN, you may get choppiness due to network latency.