High CPU time of Finder in El Capitan

I have extremely high CPU time for Finder use after updating to El Capitan version 10.11.0

I've tried:

  • Rebooting the Mac
  • Resetting SMC
  • Resetting NVRAM

The machine is borderline unusable with 100% CPU usage taken by Finder.

What can rein this in or diagnose the issue?

Solution 1:

Looking at this Apple forum thread, the first solution was this:

A first guess is: bad com.apple.finder.plist file in ~/Library/Preferences/. Delete the file.

Here was another that seemed to help:

I solved this issue by setting my finder preferences for "New Finder window show:" to my home folder... My issue was that it was defaulting to "All My Files"--- that caused finder to scan everything, images, thumbnails, etc and get up over 100% of cpu usage.

Solution 2:

I would like to let know everybody that I wrote to Apple Bug Report and they answered me... they said that they know about this bug and closed my duplicated report. We should wait a patch.

Solution 3:

The cause could be lots and lots of things. Let's first narrow down some items. Open Activity Monitor and check other tasks, check memory pressure then disconnect from the network. (That last step helps isolate the system).

  • Reboot and check Activity Monitor again. Is it worse or better on RAM and CPU. Also consider snapping a picture so you see all the items using CPU and show all processes.
  • Make a new user account, log out of your user and in to the new user. Note if CPU is better or worse.
  • Reboot into safe mode (hold shift when you hear the startup chime) - this eliminates some software and all third party plug-ins.

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