Numbers shortcut to jump to next non-empty cell
I have just purchased my first Mac and am having problems with Numbers. I want to jump to the next cell in a given direction that is non-empty (or jump to the end of a contiguous chunk of cells that are non-empty). In Excel (on Windows, anyway), you can do this with Ctrl + An Arrow Key. For example, in this little spreadsheet:
1 x x
2 x x
3 x x x
4 x x x x
if you selected cell A1 and pressed Ctrl+↓, you would jump to A3. If, instead, you pressed Ctrl+→, you would have gone to D1. If you were in A3 when you pressed Ctrl+→, it would take you to C3.
On my Mac, Control + Option + Arrow Key does what I want in Google Spreadsheets. I tried that combination in Numbers, but it adds a row or column, instead.
Surely there is a way to do this in Numbers; I just can't figure it out. Are there keyboard shortcuts like this in Numbers? If not, is there a way to map a keyboard shortcut to this functionality?
Solution 1:
use this AppleScript ▼
--finds next next blank (or non-blank) cell in column
--select starting cell, and run
property searchFor : missing value
tell application "Numbers"
set t to front document's active sheet's first table whose selection range's class is range
tell t's selection range
set currentRow to its first cell's row's address
set searchCol to its first cell's column's address
end tell
tell t's column searchCol
repeat with i from currentRow + 1 to count cells
if cell i's value is searchFor then --add not if want to find non-blank
set t's selection range to cell i
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
from →
how do I move/find the next non empty cel… - Apple Community_2019-09-25