How can I force Google Chrome to remember HTTPS credentials?

Google Chrome is a great browser for sure, though I still see bugs there. Some of them are really annoying: my Chrome (at my work computer) does not offer to remember HTTPS authentication data, and I have to enter it manually each time I go to the secured resource for the first time after Chrome start - it simply does not offer to remember it. Sorry, I can't remember my credentials, don't ask why. :D But! The Chrome at my home computer successfully remembers these credentials after offering to remember them. I checked Chrome preferences (the according option is always set on [though it always offers to store form authentication data at simple "HTTP sites"]), I tried to clear even all passwords - Chrome still asks me to enter both username and password for that HTTPS site after I restart the browser... I don't know what I have do... Can I really force it to remember HTTPS credentials?

Thanks in advance.

UPD: My Chrome version is 6.0.472.63

If both Chrome installs are the same version, and yet are behaving differently, then there must me something messing it up at profile level.

I suggest creating a new profile from scratch, of copying your profile from the installation that does remember https credentials to the one that does not.

Creating a new profile is as easy as deleting (or renaming the folder) that contains the current one.

For guidelines on where Chrome stores its profiles, check

PD: profile = user data directory

Here's how. (At least it worked on a HTTPS site I tried just then - - it is indeed the autocomplete=on thing, but iirc I tried that extension but it didn't change anything. Instead, use this lighter solution.

Just save a bookmarklet, with this javascript code as the url data:

javascript:(function(){var ca,cea,cs,df,dfe,i,j,x,y;function n(i,what){return i+" "+what+((i==1)?"":"s")}ca=cea=cs=0;df=document.forms;for(i=0;i<df.length;++i){x=df[i];dfe=x.elements;if(x.onsubmit){x.onsubmit="";++cs;}if(x.attributes["autocomplete"]){x.attributes["autocomplete"].value="on";++ca;}for(j=0;j<dfe.length;++j){y=dfe[j];if(y.attributes["autocomplete"]){y.attributes["autocomplete"].value="on";++cea;}}}alert("Removed autocomplete=off from "+n(ca,"form")+" and from "+n(cea,"form element")+", and removed onsubmit from "+n(cs,"form")+". After you type your password and submit the form, the browser will offer to remember your password.")})();

Then go to the login page, click on the bookmarklet and click ok, log in, then after a few seconds the save password box will pop up. Hope that helps somebody or OP.

Some sites also send an attribute along with the form that prevents your browser from remembering user inputs.

The Chrome extension autocomplete = on will override that and let you remember passwords for any site.