Check inside method whether some optional argument was passed

How do I check if an optional argument was passed to a method?

public void ExampleMethod(int required, string optionalstr = "default string",
    int optionalint = 10)

    if (optionalint was passed)

Another approach is to use Nullable<T>.HasValue (MSDN definitions, MSDN examples):

int default_optionalint = 0;

public void ExampleMethod(int required, int? optionalint,
                            string optionalstr = "default string")
    int _optionalint = optionalint ?? default_optionalint;

Well, arguments are always passed. Default parameter values just ensure that the user doesn't have to explicitly specify them when calling the function.

When the compiler sees a call like this:


It silently converts it to:

ExampleMethod(1, "default string", 10);

So it's not techically possible to determine if the argument was passed at run-time. The closest you could get is:

if (optionalstr == "default string")

But this would behave identically if the user called it explicitly like this:

ExampleMethod(1, "default string");

The alternative, if you really want to have different behavior depending on whether or not a parameter is provided, is to get rid of the default parameters and use overloads instead, like this:

public void ExampleMethod(int required)
    // optionalstr and optionalint not provided

public void ExampleMethod(int required, string optionalstr)
    // optionalint not provided

public void ExampleMethod(int required, string optionalstr, int optionalint)
    // all parameters provided

You can't, basically. The IL generated for these calls is exactly the same:

ExampleMethod(10, "default string");
ExampleMethod(10, "default string", 10);

The defaulting is performed at the call site, by the compiler.

If you really want both of those calls to be valid but distinguishable, you can just use overloading:

// optionalint removed for simplicity - you'd need four overloads rather than two
public void ExampleMethod(int required)
    ExampleMethodImpl(required, "default string", false);

public void ExampleMethod(int required, string optionalstr)
    ExampleMethodImpl(required, optionalstr, true);

private void ExampleMethodImpl(int required, int optionalstr, bool optionalPassed)
    // Now optionalPassed will be true when it's been passed by the caller,
    // and false when we went via the "int-only" overload