How do I limit internet bandwidth?

I am getting complaints that I consume lots of internet bandwidth.

Is there any software that can limit internet bandwidth on my computer from my own computer? I use Firefox as browser and use bittorrent and download software from software center.

(Is there also a way to monitor it?)

You have 2 easy to use via terminal. Wondershaper and Trickle. There are more here: How to limit internet speed?

Anyway the basics are:

sudo apt-get install wondershaper

In terminal find out what is the name of the interface connected to your internet by using ifconfig. Could be eth0, eth1, eth2, etc... In my case is eth1. So, I would do this:

sudo wondershaper eth1 1024 256

This will give me a Download speed of 1024 Kbits and 256 Kbits Upload. Which are 128KB and 16KB.

If you want to reset that do this sudo wondershaper clear eth1

NOTE: That will limit ANYTHING in your PC, for example the torrent downloader, firefox, etc..

Another program is Trickle

To install do this:

sudo apt-get install trickle

To run firefox with a maximum of 120KB/s download and 32KB/s upload, run

trickle -d 120 -u 32 firefox

In my case I recommend wondershaper.

If you want more info for any of the two after installed type man wondershaper or man trickle depending on the one you installed.