.xlsx and xls(Latest Versions) to pdf using python

Solution 1:

Link of xlsxwriter :


With the help of this you can generate excel file with .xlsx and .xls

for example excel file generated name is trial.xls

Now if you want to generate pdf of that excel file then do the following :

from win32com import client
xlApp = client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
books = xlApp.Workbooks.Open('C:\\excel\\trial.xls')
ws = books.Worksheets[0]
ws.Visible = 1
ws.ExportAsFixedFormat(0, 'C:\\excel\\trial.pdf')

Solution 2:

I got the same thing and the same error... ANSWER: 57.... see below...

from win32com import client
import win32api

def exceltopdf(doc):
    excel = client.DispatchEx("Excel.Application")
    excel.Visible = 0

    wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(doc)
    ws = wb.Worksheets[1]

        wb.SaveAs('c:\\targetfolder\\result.pdf', FileFormat=57)
    except Exception, e:
        print "Failed to convert"
        print str(e)

... as an alternative to the fragile ExportAsFixedFormat...