Clear terminal in Python [duplicate]

Solution 1:

A simple and cross-platform solution would be to use either the cls command on Windows, or clear on Unix systems. Used with os.system, this makes a nice one-liner:

import os
os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')

Solution 2:

What about escape sequences?

print(chr(27) + "[2J")

Solution 3:

Why hasn't anyone talked about just simply doing Ctrl+L in Windows or Cmd+L in Mac. Surely the simplest way of clearing screen.

Solution 4:

As for me, the most elegant variant:

import os

Solution 5:

For Windows, Mac and Linux, you can use the following code:

import subprocess, platform

if platform.system()=="Windows":
    subprocess.Popen("cls", shell=True).communicate() #I like to use this instead of since for multi-word commands you can just type it out, granted this is just cls and should work fine 
else: #Linux and Mac
    print("\033c", end="")

jamesnotjim tested print("\033c", end="") for Mac, and I tested it on Linux and Windows (it doesn't work for Windows, hence the other code that calls cls). I don't remember who it was I first saw use print("\033c") and/or the printf version: subprocess.Popen("printf '\033c'", shell=True).communicate().

rolika pointed out that end="" will prevent it from printing a new line afterward.