How to delete a selected DataGridViewRow and update a connected database table?

I have a DataGridView control on a Windows Forms application (written with C#).

What I need is: when a user selects a DataGridViewRow, and then clicks on a 'Delete' button, the row should be deleted and next, the database needs to be updated using table adapters.

This is what I have so far:

private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (this.dataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count > 0)

Furthermore, this only deletes one row. I would like it where the user can select multiple rows.

Solution 1:

This code removes selected items of dataGridView1:

 private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     foreach (DataGridViewRow item in this.dataGridView1.SelectedRows)

Solution 2:

private void buttonRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    foreach (DataGridViewCell oneCell in dataGridView1.SelectedCells)
        if (oneCell.Selected)

Removes rows which indexes are in selected cells. So, select any cells, and their corresponding rows will be removed.

Solution 3:

I have written the following code, please take a look:

foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.SelectedRows)
    if (!row.IsNewRow) dataGridView1.Rows.Remove(row);

using the Index of the selected row still could work; see if the code below will do the trick:

int selectedCount = dataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count;           
while (selectedCount > 0)
    if (!dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].IsNewRow)

I hope this helps, regards.