"Conflicts prevent checkout" error using Git in Visual Studio

I am using Git in Visual Studio. When I am trying to synchronize, the following message appears:

An error occured. Detailed message: An error was raised by libgit2. Cetegory = checkout(MergeConflict). 1 conflicts prevent checkout

I don't have a clue about what the conflicts are and how to fix them. Can anyone help me overcome this problem?

I have solved the same problem by using the Git command prompt in Visual Studio, because it gives you more ability:


You also may install this extension to facilitate the work with it (it gives you ability do not enter passwords each time):


Then I used this commands:

git pull // I got an error on this step
git stash
git pull

more information about commands here:




And as CharlesB said it is due to "conflict between your changes and the changes from another branch".

You have some uncommited changes. Commit or undo those changes and then Git "pull" will work.

I had this issue and the way I resolved it was by "brute force"...I had no changes to commit, and no commits to sync but still got this error while trying to pull in some changes that another developer pushed.

I ended up just whacking my local repo in the file system and re-cloning the remote branch. Voila!

Perhaps not the most elegant solution, but it works if you don't have any local changes that you are worried about losing.

I experienced this issue during a "pull" request via Visual Studio.

There was a change to a hidden file: .ntvs_analysis.dat

To discover this hidden file and remedy the problem, I:

  1. Showed hidden files just to see if there were changes to files that I could not see.
  2. In the project directory, used Git GUI to undo the change to the hidden file that I found.

After that, my "pull" request was successful.

Control Panel => Folder Options => View => Show hidden files and folders