How to remove project in PyCharm?

Just follow these steps in order. They assume you currently have the project open in a PyCharm window:

  1. Close your project by clicking on File -> Close Project
  2. Locate your project in the PyCharm file directory
  3. Delete your project's directory

I agree that PyCharm's handling of what should be a very simple procedure is crappy. Maybe this will be improved in the future?

If you want to remove the project from the recent projects list, just highlight the project with your mouse and hit the del key.

This is for PyCharm 2019.1, but I can bet this will work in previous versions.

I am assuming you are in a Unix based operating system (macOs or any Linux distribution). I am also assuming you have currently opened the project you want to remove.

  1. Close the project by going to File → Close Project:

    enter image description here


  2. Remove the project from Pycharm's Welcome Window:

enter image description here

  1. Locate your project and delete it, you can use several alternatives, but I encourage you to use the following
$ rm -rf /path/to/your/project/directory

The previous command will work in macOS and Linux. In Windows, you can delete it manually by locating the projects directory using File Explorer.

That's it, the project has been completely deleted!

  1. click the project you want to remove.
  2. menu bar Edit-> Remove from Project View.

Version 2017.2.1

  1. Press Alt+1 to bring the project pane, and make sure you're in Project view (not Project Files view).
  2. Select the desired project, and choose "Delete from project view" from the context menu (right click). You can also use Delete key.