Changes to Terminal in El Capitan

Can someone please describe the changes made to in El Capitan? I've just noticed that mouse events started working in Tmux, which is awesome!

I had the following set in my tmux.conf:

setw -g mode-mouse on
set -g mouse-select-pane on
set -g mouse-resize-pane on
set -g mouse-select-window on

which did not work because Terminal prior to OS X 10.11 did not pass mouse events to underlying processes. Now it wonderfully works. What other changes are included in new Terminal?

Solution 1:

The new Marks feature in El Capitan 10.11 Terminal adds structure to the terminal contents by marking prompt lines and other interesting content, enabling operations like navigating, selecting, Copying, Printing and deleting commands or their output.

See the Edit menu, especially the Marks, Bookmarks, and Navigation submenus for Marks-related commands.

Marks are indicated with “square brackets” at either end of a marked line. Bookmarks are a more heavyweight mark—they're used for marking sections with a time stamp or a custom name—and are indicated with thicker vertical lines and a different background color.

You can hide the mark indicators if you don't want to see them, with the View > Hide/Show Marks menu item. This doesn't remove marks or prevent the Marks-related commands from working.

A good explanation of what you can do with Marks and the related commands is found in this answer to this question.

Solution 2:

The command lines are now marked with square brackets as in the screen snippet below.
