SyntaxError: Unexpected Identifier (Generators in ES6)

Summarizing the comments: you can't use yield inside a regular function, so you can't use yield with forEach. Here an example of "generatorized" foreach:

function * foreach (arr, fn) {
  var i

  for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    yield * fn(arr[i])

function * gen (number) {
  yield number + 1
  yield number + 2
  yield number + 3

function * other () {
  yield * foreach([1, 2, 3], gen)

for (var i of other()) {

UPDATE Also the original problem can be solved quite elegantly using such a helper:

var nodes = {
  type: 'root',
  value: [
    { type: 'char', value: 'a' },
    { type: 'char', value: 'b' },
    { type: 'root', value: [
        { type: 'char', value: 'c' },
        { type: 'char', value: 'd' },
        { type: 'char', value: 'e' },

function * foreach (arr, fn) {
  var i

  for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    yield * fn(arr[i])

function * value (val) {
  yield val

function * recursiveGenerator(node) {
  yield * node.type === 'root' ?  foreach(node.value, recursiveGenerator) : value(node.value)

for (var generated of recursiveGenerator(nodes)) {

So the generator itself becomes a one-liner!

You've found your solution, but just for the record here is another example a little different that print the types of all nodes in the tree (I added some deepness and vars)

var nodes = {
    type: 'root',
    value: [
        { type: 'char', value: 'a' },
        { type: 'char', value: 'b' },
        { type: 'char', value: [{type: 'int', value: 'c'}] },

var flattenTree = function* (root) {
    yield root.type;
    var subvalues = root.value;
    for(var i in subvalues) {
        var gen = flattenTree(subvalues[i]);
        val =;
        while(!val.done) {
            if(val.value != undefined)
                yield val.value;
            val =;

var printTree = function() {
    console.log("begin tree");
    var generator = flattenTree(nodes);
    var next =;
    while(!next.done) {
        next =;
    console.log("finish tree");



~/workspace/tmp$ ../node/node --harmony test-gen.js 
begin tree
{ value: 'root', done: false }
{ value: 'char', done: false }
{ value: 'char', done: false }
{ value: 'char', done: false }
{ value: 'int', done: false }
finish tree