Convert an array to an array of objects


Using your supplied data:

var data = [

The following function will treat the first element of the array as the keys for the objects properties. It will then loop over the remaining elements, and convert them into an object using these keys. Finally, it will return an array of these new objects.

function convertToArrayOfObjects(data) {
    var keys = data.shift(),
        i = 0, k = 0,
        obj = null,
        output = [];

    for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        obj = {};

        for (k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) {
            obj[keys[k]] = data[i][k];


    return output;


    { fruits: 'apples', fresh: 494, frozen: 884, rotten: 494 },
    { fruits: 'oranges', fresh: 494, frozen: 4848, rotten: 4949 },
    { fruits: 'kiwi', fresh: 33, frozen: 848, rotten: 33 }

If you use both map and reduce, the solution becomes very elegant:

var collection = [

var keys = collection.shift();
collection = (row) {
    return keys.reduce(function (obj, key, i) {
      obj[key] = row[i];
      return obj;
    }, {});


  { fruits: 'apples', frozen: 884, fresh: 494, rotten: 494 },
  { fruits: 'oranges', frozen: 4848, fresh: 494, rotten: 4949 },
  { fruits: 'kiwi', frozen: 848, fresh: 33, rotten: 33 } 