CVS: show files that are locally changed

Is there any simple way to show only the files in my repository that have been locally added, removed, or modified? I know that I can type "cvs stat" and look through the list of files, but that is tedious and error-prone. I am wondering if there is an easier way. I am using CVS 1.11.17, in case that matters.

A 'dummy' update will give you this information.

cvs -qn update

A short description of the used options:

-q      Cause CVS to be somewhat quiet.
-n      Do not execute anything that will change the disk.

You can get a short listing of differences using the cvs diff command:

cvs -q diff --brief

Pipe it to grep!

cvs -Q status | grep -i locally

Here is what I use:

cvs -Q status | grep -A 4 Locally | egrep -v '^\-\-|^   Working|^   Commit|^$' | awk '{print $2 " " $4}' | sed -e 's/\<Locally\>//;s/revision: \CVS-REPOSITORY-PATH/\t\t/'

