Solution 1:

The page control is only displayed if the datasource implements these methods:


Simply remove your implementation of these, and the page control will not be displayed. From the datasource docs:

If both of the methods in “Supporting a Page Indicator” are implemented and the page view controller’s transition style is UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll, a page indicator is visible.

Solution 2:

In my situation I have multiple UIPageViewControllers (created from -[UITableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath]), some of which contain only 1 page. Instead of using different controllers for different UITableView rows, I implemented the UIPageViewController delegate method as follows:

- (NSInteger)presentationCountForPageViewController:(UIPageViewController *)pageViewController {
    return ([self numberOfPages] == 1 ? 0 : [self numberOfPages]);

This returns 0 if there is only 1 page which seems to make UIPageViewController not show the dots. It's a kludge but it appears to work (iOS SDK 7.0).

I suppose a "cleaner" way would be to remove the methods at runtime for those UIPageControllers having only 1 page, but this would involve some fancy objC runtime manipulation.

Comments on this approach?