Changing permissions in fstab in order to allow writing in Windows NTFS partition

I have in my /etc/fstab file this line in order to mount my Windows ntfs partition:

/dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1  ntfs rw,noauto,users,permissions 0 2

I've changed the owner using chown and set the permissions to 777 using chmod.

If I make an ls -lt it shows the owner and the permissions properly changed.

However I still don't have permissions for writing there, if I execute mkdir test it says:

mkdir: cannot create directory `test': Permission denied

Any suggestions?


I found the solution, these are the steps I followed:

  1. Type sudo blkid

  2. Get the UUID related to your ntfs partition.

  3. Change the /etc/fstab file adding this line:

    UUID="your UUID" /media/"any name" ntfs users,defaults 0 0

You can specify owner of the partition using uid and gid options:

/dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1  ntfs rw,noauto,users,uid=1000,gid=1000,permissions 0 2

Note that uid and gid values are numeric. If you are not the only user of the box you can discover those values by id command.