How to convert cbr to pdf?
I have a comic strip book in cbr (Calibre?) format. How can I convert it to pdf in my Ubuntu 12.04? I tried to install calibre hoping that it is able to do so. But it seems to be buggy and does not show up. Appreciate your hints to do the conversion.
Found a nifty way to do this.
Programs that you might need are rar
and imagemagick
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rar imagemagick
Next, rename all the files extension that you want to convert, from *.cbr
to *.rar
Example: comic.cbr --> comic.rar
Next, use rar
and extract all the .rar files. You should get .jpg files as output.
Next, use imagemagick
to covert all into one. Make sure you are in that directory.
Example use in terminal:
convert *.jpg comic.pdf
Unfortunately convert
and calibre
changes the image quality/resolution, which is very important to CBR and CBZ, so to have no loss of quality, practically using the original jpg
that is inside the CBR(CBZ) files you need to use img2pdf
, I use this commands:
First need to install this:
sudo apt install img2pdf p7zip-full
1) This to make a pdf
file out of every jpg
image without loss of either resolution or quality:
ls -1 ./*jpg | xargs -L1 -I {} img2pdf {} -o {}.pdf
2) This to concatenate the pdf
pages into one:
pdftk *.pdf cat output combined.pdf
I made this batch files
set -xev
JPEGS=`mktemp -d`
cp "$1" "$JPEGS"
cd "$JPEGS"
7z e "$1"
ls -1 ./*jpg | xargs -L1 -I {} img2pdf {} -o {}.pdf
pdftk *.pdf cat output combined.pdf
cp "$JPEGS/combined.pdf" "$ORIGINAL_FOLDER/$1.pdf"
#set -xev
JPEGS=`mktemp -d`
unzip -j "$1" -d "$JPEGS"
cd "$JPEGS"
ls -1 ./*jpg | xargs -L1 -I {} img2pdf {} -o {}.pdf
pdftk *.pdf cat output combined.pdf
cp "$JPEGS/combined.pdf" "$ORIGINAL_FOLDER/$1.pdf"
To convert all cbr
and cbz
in folder and subfolders:
tree -fai . | grep -P "cbr$" | xargs -L1 -I{} ./ {}
tree -fai . | grep -P "cbz$" | xargs -L1 -I{} ./ {}
I'm using ubuntu 12.04 and calibre did the job perfectly for me. Your problem is installing calibre. If I'm not wrong I managed to install it by upgrading python
Just found another command line tools that works great
you can install in /usr/bin
I requires some packages that you can install with
sudo apt-get install pdftk sam2p unrar unzip
Then just launch
cbr2pdf [file.cbr]
To have file.pdf on the same directoy