What is the C# "checked" keyword for?

Eric Lippert has a two-part blog post "What is the unchecked keyword good for?": Part 1 -- Part 2

"Checked" is a block keyword that enables arithmetic overflow checking. Normally, if an integer operation exceeds the maximum or minimum value that the type can handle, the operation proceeds anyway, and the result just cycles like an odometer. So, for example:

byte b = byte.MaxValue;
Console.WriteLine(b);       // 255  (11111111)
Console.WriteLine(++b);     // 0    (00000000)

Placing this snippet in a checked block prevents the overflow, and instead the runtime throws an OverflowException:

    byte b = byte.MaxValue;
    Console.WriteLine(b);               // b=255
    catch (OverflowException e)
        Console.WriteLine(e.Message);   // "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow." 
                                        // b = 255

And since there's a compiler option /checked, which turns compiler checking on by default, there is also the unchecked keyword which prevents overflow checking.

As far as usage, overflow checking should be used sparingly, as is true of exception handling in general. To check for an overflow at runtime, it's significantly faster (like, an order of magnitude) to do a simple check, rather than to turn on overflow checking:

int multiply(int i, int j)
    if ((long)i * (long)j > int.MaxValue)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("overflow");
    return i*j;

You can do this even for Int64/long, using BigInteger (this can be still at least an order of magnitude faster than using checked):

long multiply(long i, long j)
    if (new System.Numerics.BigInteger(i) + j > long.MaxValue)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("overflow");
    return i*j;

There's also a good Code Project article on this that explains some caveats (eg, the overflow check only applies to the immediate code block, not to any function calls inside the block).