Use of plural of "breakfast"

I found myself discussing the eating activity of my cats with... my cats. Anyway, I said to them "Huh, you two didn't eat your breakfasts!" At this point, I paused, realizing that sounded very odd to me.

If multiple people each have a breakfast, are there "breakfasts present", or is it just "breakfast"? Either way, why does "breakfasts" sound so bizarre to my ear?

Solution 1:

To talk about several people each doing the same thing, English usually prefers a plural noun for the repeated idea.

Tell the kids to bring raincoats to school tomorrow.
(More natural than Tell the kids to bring a raincoat ...)

Plural forms are almost always used in this case if here are possessives.

Tell the children to blow their noses. (NOT ... to blow their nose.)

Six people lost their lives in the accident.

Michael Swan (2005.530), Practical English Usage.

However, for an activity done together, the singular form is natural. Compare:

When I was working, my wife and I had (our) breakfast together. Now that I am retired, she has left for work before I get up, so we have our breakfasts separately.

If your cats had separate plates, I would use the plural form. If they ate from one plate, I think both singular and plural are possible. We can think of each cat having its own breakfast - two cats, two breakfasts - or of the two cats sharing a singular meal together.

Solution 2:

It is one of those words where you have to determine from the context if plural or singular is appropriate.

The whole family sat down to eat breakfast.

Here "breakfast" refers to the communal meal.

Joe ate eggs, mom had cereal, dad had cold pizza. All the breakfasts were different.

Here we are referring to the individual food on people's plates, so plural would be appropriate. And just to be clear the plural is "breakfasts" even if the word is a little tricky to say.

So did your feline friends eat together in a shared meal, or separately each individually? I think that would mostly be the determining factor as to whether they had breakfast or breakfasts.