How to access an OS X keychain via Ubuntu

I need to access some of the content of an old OS X keychain.

I know the password - this isn't about cracking ;-)

What I don't have is a Mac. I do have the keychain files on a backup drive.

Is there any way to get at the contents on an Ubuntu box? A port of the OS X /usr/bin/security somewhere for example?

A definitive "no" would be as useful as a "yes".

If you are not afraid of a small amount of scripting, there is a python wrapper for the security command with a short tutorial here. I have never had to do this before, so I can't speak to its efficacy.

I think you don't have a similar tool in Linux to do that.

From all the tools i have seen, they all require that you have Mac OS X to use them. For example, keychaindump requires securityd command.

So i guess the only option you have left is to borrow someone's mac.