Restoring from Time Machine - Permissions Error

Solution 1:

Not sure how you can resolve those permission problems using the TimeMachine UI, but I'd guess using the Terminal would work.


cp -R TimeMachineSourceFolder WhereYouwantTheFilesRestored


cp -R /Volumes/BACKUP/Backups.backupdb/MK\ MBP/2009-09-29-141056/Macintosh\ HD/Users/yourself/Documents "/Users/yourself/Documents"

To find a source folder you can restore, you should be able to browse your TimeMachine backup in the Finder, then drag and drop the folder you want to restore into Terminal, to paste it's full path there.

If you still get permissions problems during the cp operation, just prefix the whole command with sudo:

sudo cp -R TimeMachineSourceFolder WhereYouwantTheFilesRestored

Good luck.

Solution 2:

To invoke "Enter Time Machine" as root, you'll need to run Finder as root:

sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/