SVN and GNOME Keyring

How to fix the following issue:

    $ svn update
    Password for 'default' GNOME keyring: 
    svn: GNOME Keyring is locked and we are non-interactive

I have googled around but can't seem to find a satisfactory answer.

Solution 1:

Edit the ~/.subversion/config with gedit or nano , and add the following

password-stores =

then save and try again. All the best.


Solution 2:

run the below command:


and then delete all items in the menu. The problem wil be gone

Solution 3:

Solution 1

In my case the problem persisted until I deleted the default keyring. Using Mate Linux you can use this command to delete the default key file:

rm ~/.config/mate/keyrings/default

That solved the problem for me...