Photoshop How to save selection to PNG

Solution 1:

  • Make your selection
  • Edit -> Copy Merged
  • File -> New (Photoshop should automatically suggest a new canvas size to match the selection size)
  • Edit -> Paste
  • File -> Save As (PNG)
  • Rinse and repeat... (keyboard shortcuts are handy here)

(Tested on Photoshop CS4)

Solution 2:

Try selecting the areas with the Slice tool and then File > Export for web & devices.

Solution 3:

I tackled this by creating a script that I put in Presets\Scripts\Export Selection to PNG.jsx

The code as follows:

app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;

var pngSaveOptions = new PNGSaveOptions();
pngSaveOptions.compression = 9;

var hasSelection;
var docRef;
try {
    hasSelection = !!app.activeDocument.selection.bounds;
} catch (err) {
    hasSelection = false;

if (hasSelection) {
    var w = app.activeDocument.selection.bounds[2];
    var h = app.activeDocument.selection.bounds[3];
    docRef = app.documents.add(w, h);
} else {
    docRef = app.activeDocument;
var file = File.saveDialog("Export as PNG to...");
if (file && ((file.exists && confirm("Overwrite " + file +"?")) || !file.exists)) {
    docRef.saveAs(file, pngSaveOptions, !hasSelection, Extension.LOWERCASE);
    if (hasSelection) {

The script above will handle no-selection as a "select all" and checks if the target file exists confirming an overwrite.

This script is triggered from the File->Scripts->Export Selection to PNG