Field Name for "positive, negative or neutral" [closed]
Solution 1:
Polarity in its broad sense is a good hypernym for positive/ negative/ neutral.
1.2 The state of having two opposite or contradictory tendencies, opinions, or aspects.
First is the duality obvious in all of Carter's work: polarity of opinion, …
Though the "polarity" of an opinion can be positive or negative, neutral can also be a member of the group. (That's just my take, though.)
Solution 2:
Sentiment was the word I was looking for. I had to find a super-word for positive and negative and was eventually led to this question.
More specifically in my problem, I was dealing with text that was measured to have a level of sentiment which ranged on a scale from very negative to very positive. Therefore this word may not fit other things that can be positive or negative (such as physical entities like charge or vector direction).
Hope it can help someone after me.