How to turn off the iOS-style character picker menu

When I hold a key in Lion, I get this iOS-style character picker instead of a repeated character, as in previous versions of the OS:


I really dislike this (I rarely use those symbols as I only speak Dutch and English). I want to hooooooooooold a key. :)

Where can I turn this off? I can't find an option in the system preferences.

You can do it with Terminal:


A new Lion feature taken over from iOS is the "Character Picker", which generates a popup menu of accented characters when you hold down the base letter on the keyboard. Some users detest this, as it stops the key repeat function which normally results when you hold down a key. To get rid of Character Picker, open Terminal and type

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

and then restart.

You have to open a Terminal window and type in the following:

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

(from this article)

If you’re interested in more of these "secret preferences" check out the awesome Secrets website. Better yet, consider installing Secrets’ accompanying prefpane which will allow you to update any of these through a GUI and auto-populates from Secrets‘ authoritative database of these little nuggets.