Argument of type "char *" is incompatible with parameter of type "LPWSTR"

This has probably been asked before but I can't seem to find the solution:

std::string GetPath()
    char buffer[MAX_PATH];

    return std::string(buffer);

This returns an error stating:

argument of type "char *" is incompatible with parameter of type "LPWSTR"

So yeah. Anyone got an answer?

You need to use the ansi version:

std::string GetPath()
     char buffer[MAX_PATH] = {};
     ::GetSystemDirectoryA(buffer,_countof(buffer)); // notice the A

     return std::string(buffer);

Or use unicode:

std::wstring GetPath()
     wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH] = {};
     ::GetSystemDirectoryW(buffer,_countof(buffer)); // notice the W, or drop the W to get it "by default"

     return std::wstring(buffer);

Rather than call the A/W versions explicitly you can drop the A/W and configure the whole project to use ansi/unicode instead. All this will do is change some #defines to replace foo with fooA/W.

Notice that you should use _countof() to avoid incorrect sizes depending on the buffers type too.