Golang: Parse both XML element value and attributes for groups

I have an XML structure like this:

<RootLevel status="new" timestamp="1383259529" xmlns="http://someplace.com">
    <Item active="1" status="new" itemid="451254">
        <SubItem active="1" recent="false" usertext="No idea" id="78421">
            <SubItemField active="1" ready="no" type="1">1.4</SubItemField>
            <SubItemField active="1" ready="yes" type="2">4.5</SubItemField>

I don't know how I can gather both values and attributes for the SubItemField elements, my code is something like:

type RootLEvel struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"RootLevel"`
    Item    []Item

type Item struct {
    SubItem   []SubItem

type SubItem struct {
    SubItemField    []SubItemField

type SubItemField struct {
    Active bool `xml:"active,attr"`
    Ready string `xml:"ready,attr"`

I need both attributes and values but the only way to get values that I know is just use

SubItemField  []float32

instead of my custom type. I am using xml.Unmarshal btw.

Any idea?


Solution 1:

I figured myself how to do that, I had simply to add a new property in my struct that match xml:",chardata" so it looks like:

type SubItemField struct {
    Value  float32 `xml:",chardata"`
    Active bool    `xml:"active,attr"`
    Ready  string  `xml:"ready,attr"`

I hope that can help someone cos there is no documentation or examples about this.