How to force IntelliJ to only step into my source code?

Solution 1:

Currently there is no overall option to only target user code (like Visual Studio's 'Just My Code').

The best way to have the same behavior is to exclude specific code classes or packages (it is possible to setup filter patterns for class packages via wildcards) that will not be 'stepped into'.

This can be achieved within the Settings/Preferences, in the Debugger/Stepping options.

Solution 2:

Spring's AOP may be among the worst offenders.

The OP suggested that they had already done this, but here's how you can disable stepping into specified classes (IntelliJ ULTIMATE 2018.2):

File -> Settings... -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Debugger -> Stepping

... Do not step into the classes -> Add Pattern -> Enter the filter pattern:

... ... org.springframework.aop.*

Notice that you can use wildcards to disable entire namespaces -- so for example, assuming that your organization's namespace starts with com, you can get most of the way there by blacklisting org.*.