Schedule Auto Re-Boot of Windows Server 2008 R2

Is there any specific command or script through which I can schedule an Auto reboot of Windows Server 2008 R2?

Possibly the shutdown command from a Command Prompt?

shutdown -r -f -t 10


  • -r restarts
  • -f forces processes to terminate
  • -t 10 waits 10 seconds before shutdown

The way I would do this is by scheduling a batch file with the above line in it, although you will probably be able to do this through PowerShell too.

Command Prompt, type:

AT 06:00 SHUTDOWN -r -f

At 6:00am the Server or PC will Reboot (-r) and any running apps will be exited (-f)

This command creates a Scheduled Task.

Now How easy is that?

You can get really funky on the Comand line by scheduling a reboot every weekday at a specific time.