Keyboard Shortcuts for "Compress" or "New Folder with Selection"?

Has anybody found a decent solution to this? Custom keyboard shortcuts (as defined in System Preferences > Keyboard) don't work for any dynamic menus like Compress XX items or (new in Lion) New Folder with Selection (XX items) because they add the number of files selected after them.

Are there undocumented wildcards for keyboard shortcuts?

Unlike Compress, New Folder with Selection (XX items) does have a default keyboard shortcut, but there still doesn't seem to be a way to change it.

Solution 1:

For compressing i found simple solution. I'm using OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 and It's worked for me.

Open system preferences and follow the screenshots:

--> Step1: enter image description here

--> Step2: enter image description here

--> Step3: enter image description here

--> Step4(It's Done): enter image description here

That's It.

I know it's been long time since you asked the Question but i'm posting the answers for those who are still looking for solution.

Solution 2:

I found it, for Lion:
- Run Automator
- create a "Service" which compresses a "file or folder" for the application "Finder"
- Save the Service with a name like "Compress"
- Go to Preferences -> keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Services, and add the Shortcut you want for "Compress" under "Finder".

That's it.

Solution 3:

The shortcut for a new folder with selection is Control + Command + N.

There isn't a shortcut for Compress, but you can script it and then assign a shortcut to the script:

Use AppleScript Editor and refer to this script from Super User on adding a shortcut:

tell application "System Events" to tell process "Finder"
    tell menu 1 of menu bar item 3 of menu bar 1
        click (menu item 1 where name starts with "Compress")
    end tell
end tell