A one-word synonym of "to give meaning to"?

As the title suggests, I'm looking for a verb whose definition is "to give/assign meaning to", "to define a function of", "to invent a use/meaning for" or something close. This might be a little vague, but I hope I can at least get some guesses or stabs at it.

On a similar note, are there web searches that allow for finding words given their meanings?

I can only think of:




The parameters are several, but words that fit one or another of them that come to mind: imbue, inscribe, coin, imprint, mark.

No need to over-think it, though: "name" and "define" work perfectly well.

to signify; to ascribe meaning

A few options:

  • coin — "He coined a phrase."
  • define
  • determine
  • specify
  • assign
  • establish
  • ascertain
  • discover