List of all colors available for PowerShell?

Pretty grid

$colors = [enum]::GetValues([System.ConsoleColor])
Foreach ($bgcolor in $colors){
    Foreach ($fgcolor in $colors) { Write-Host "$fgcolor|"  -ForegroundColor $fgcolor -BackgroundColor $bgcolor -NoNewLine }
    Write-Host " on $bgcolor"

screenshot of colourful output

Updated colours in newer powershell:

screenshot of colourful output

The console colors are in an enum called [System.ConsoleColor]. You can list all the values using the GetValues static method of [Enum]


or just


I've found it useful to preview how the console colors will display with a simple helper function:

function Show-Colors( ) {
  $colors = [Enum]::GetValues( [ConsoleColor] )
  $max = ($colors | foreach { "$_ ".Length } | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum
  foreach( $color in $colors ) {
    Write-Host (" {0,2} {1,$max} " -f [int]$color,$color) -NoNewline
    Write-Host "$color" -Foreground $color