Local user accounts have disappeared after installing Active Directory and running dcpromo

I'm kinda newbie in this Windows 2008 Server R2 configuration stuff, so I would appreciate any help regards the issue I'm facing.

After a Windows 2008 Server R2 clean install I created a couple of local user accounts and joined them to the administrators group, I tested them and I was able to log on with each one.

Then I installed Active Diectory role (DNS role implied) and runned DCPromo. The domain was created and promoted succesfully and I was able to log on into the domain from a client machine.

The issue began when I realized that I was no longer able to log on locally into the server (meaning LOCALMACHINE\localusername). I looked into domain user accounts and noticed that the local user accounts I created previously were now part of the domain. I consider a bad thing not being able to log on locally anymore, so in a shot to fix it I stopped the Active Directory service... my bad! Now I'm sort of locked up, I can't log either locally or as part of the domain.

Can someone please shed some light in this? What did I miss in the process? I tried googling but could find any straight forward solution or explanation. What concept I'm not catching?How can I promote a server to PDC and still be able to log on locally?

Thanks in advanced.

When you install Active Directory, it removes any local accounts - this is well documented and intended functionality. As an aside, there are no primary and backup domain controllers any more - each DC is equal.

Reboot the machine - Active Directory should start back up again on reboot. If it doesn't, reboot again and keep tapping F8 and boot into Directory Services Restore Mode. You should then be able to log in and interrogate the Event Viewer for any clues why Active Directory isn't starting.