Ubuntu 12.10 Installation Hangs at 'Preparing to Install Ubuntu' [closed]

I have downloaded the Ubuntu 12.10 i386 Desktop ISO both via HTTP & Torrent Download. I have attempted the install via CD & Bootable USB (created using YUMI from Pendrive Linux), each using a different ISO (to rule out corruption).

I can boot from CD & USB and use the live Ubuntu, but each time I try to Install it, Ubiquity hangs at the "Preparing to Install Ubuntu" screen. It doesn't matter if i check or uncheck the 'Download updates while installing' and/or 'Install this third party software' options.

I am attempting install on a Dell Inspiron 6000 Notebook (Pentium M 1.60GHz, 2.0GB RAM, 160GB HDD) with an existing Windows Partition. The install from CD worked without incident on my Triple Boot MacBook Pro.

Also, the System Log app will not open, unsure if this is related.

Solution 1:

According to here:

Update to this......I just tested it again. Tried to reinstall 12.10 over 12.10 and failed. Put in Debian....let it wipe the drive, create partitions, then killed the install. Then a fresh install of 12.10......and in it went.

So it seems to be if you have a clean drive or a failed install to be written to, there's no problem.

No idea why....that just seems to be the way it is.

This seems like a partition cleaning bug, since you can clearly install it on a clean drive or over an installation that failed.

Solution 2:

Well, I had the same issue. The way I resolved it was starting up with the live CD and then got into the disk management app, and just format the drive from there. In the option of which file system, I checked the linux file system option. And the installation went very nice.

Thanks a lot!

Solution 3:

If you have multiple HDDs and dozens of bootable operating systems,as I have, this is a real problem.

I cannot install 12.04 from CD because it just hangs. There are plenty of clean volumes and previously installed versions, but the installer simply cannot resolve my drives and just hangs. (I have over 3TB of HDD space divided into logical volumes)

The only way to do it is to install 10.04 and then upgrade it to 12.04

Black mark for Ubuntu, by some sort of assumption that all users will be installing to a desktop with just Windoze installed or a previous linux version on a single small HDD, they have completely screwed up what should and used to be, a simple process.

Try installing to a completely virgin HDD and you will get a similar problem, the partitioner does not recognise it until you run fdisk and do rudimentary partitioning.